The City of Churches in the Festival State extends - on behalf of Our Creator of the Universe, the Master Artist Himself - An Open Invitation to All His Artists and Supporters to

In God's Company, (2nd) Arts Event SA for 3 unimaginable days, To Be Announced, Adelaide, South Australia

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Love's Fiery Intensity

The love of God and His ways are challenging.  Who can withstand Love’s fiery intensity and its breaking of perceived barriers?  A woman?  A child?  A macho man?  No, not even him. 
God’s passionate love is humbling, knee-bendingly powerful, awe-inspiring and all-consuming.  It is not for the faint-hearted to enter in, but for the gutsy.  God is calling His people out of the desert.  He is wooing them into deep waters. 
He is pouring out his love and we’re gonna need it with what lies ahead.  Soak it up, forsaking all others.  He demands to be first.  He is jealously wild for you.  Nothing can withstand Love’s fury – he fights for you, the Enemy lying destroyed at your feet. 
You are His prized possession – well-won.  You are His true love beyond comprehension.  He is to be marvelled in His mysterious depths of intimacy and all its facets.  He is to be gazed upon in wonder. 
Be joyous in your submission to Love’s heavenly flavour.  Be free in Love's glorious release from all earthly understanding.  His Love is bottomless and palpable and demanding.  This is the crucial engagement.  For without our devotion and adoration, we can never be the Bride. 

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